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How to access global variable from inside class's function

I have file init.php:

     require_once 'config.php';

with config.php:

     $config = array('db'=>'abc','host'=>'',);

A class with name something.php:

     class something{
           public function __contruct(){}
           public function doIt(){
                  global $config;
                  var_dump($config); // NULL  

Why is it null?
In, they told me that I can access but in reality is not . I tried but have no idea. I am using php 5.5.9.


  • The variable $config in config.php is not global.

    To make it a global variable, which i do NOT suggest you have to write the magic word global in front of it.

    I would suggest you to read superglobal variables.

    And a little bit of variable scopes.

    What I would suggest is to make a class which handles you this.

    That should look something like

    class Config
        static $config = array ('something' => 1);
        static function get($name, $default = null)
            if (isset (self::$config[$name])) {
                return self::$config[$name];
            } else {
                return $default;
    Config::get('something'); // returns 1;