I created SSRS report which takes 3 input parameters(rpId, rpStartDate, rpEndDate) and dataset return's user details. When we are displaying the results in a table/grid, i need to show records based on created_date field returned by dataset. I need display to all the records in the order of date for each date between the date range users chooses and display no'of records under the records info.
For Example:
If your chooses to get records(results) for date range between 1/1/2016(jan 1) to 1/5/2016(jan 5)
I need to display like below in table or grid
Created Date: 1/1/2016
First Name Last Name Middle Name Address1 Address2 City
Sam Test M 123 test Drive 1 England
William Adam A 123 Circle Apt 2013 New York
No of records for 1/1/2016 : 2
Created Date: 1/3/2016
First Name Last Name Middle Name Address1 Address2 City
Aaron Silva B 546 Wood Dr Plaza Delhi
Kapil Sam R 750 Parkwoo Circle Los Angles
Asha Tucker C 1234 Main Dr Briar Rd Dallas
No of records for 1/1/2016 : 3
Can some one please let me know to how display in this way?
Thanks in Advance!
The dataset returned from query should have created_date column. So in short you need to group your detail columns by created_date column. In more details:
The newly added blank row should be within the parent group (created date).
Now copy the grouped column content by pressing Ctrl + C(it should be like "[created date]")