I really need some help with automating Tor to do something on a site (in this case, check something on a poll) and then restart Tor with a new identity. I have never done anything remotely close to this. I only know HTML, CSS and JS fairly well.
Now, to sum up, I want to make a loop that repeatedly accesses a site on Tor, checks something on that site and then restarts Tor with a new identity.
If anyone could give me some guidance and tell me what I can use, it would be much appreciated. I have the time and patience to learn, so anything works really.
Here are examples using PHP and Python 3 to accomplish what you want. They're simple starting points for making requests over Tor and changing your identity on demand.
The PHP example uses TorUtils to communicate with the controller and wrap cURL through Tor.
The Python example uses stem to communicate with the controller and Requests for sending requests over Tor's SOCKS proxy.
The examples assume you have Tor working already and the SocksPort
set to 9050, and the ControlPort
set to 9051 with cookie authentication working, or a controller password of password
composer require dapphp/torutils
from your project directory to download and install dependencies<?php
use Dapphp\TorUtils\ControlClient;
use Dapphp\TorUtils\TorCurlWrapper;
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // composer autoloader
// include TorUtils/src/ControlClient.php and TorUtils/src/TorCurlWrapper.php if using without composer
$controller = new ControlClient; // get a new controller object
try {
$controller->connect('', 9051); // connect to Tor controller on localhost:9051
$controller->authenticate('password'); // attempt to authenticate using "password" as password
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
die("Failed to open connection to Tor controller. Reason: " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n");
// issue 10 requests, changing identity after each request
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {
try {
$curl = new TorCurlWrapper('', 9050); // connect to Tor SOCKS proxy on localhost:9050
$curl->httpGet('https://drew-phillips.com/ip-info/'); // issue request
$body = strip_tags($curl->getResponseBody());
if (preg_match('/Using Tor:\s*Yes/i', $body)) {
echo "You appear to be using Tor successfully. ";
} else {
echo "Proxy worked but this Tor IP is not known. ";
if (preg_match('/IP Address:\s*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/i', $body, $ip)) {
echo "Source IP = {$ip[1]}\n";
} else {
echo "Couldn't determine IP!\n";
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
echo "HTTP request failed! " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n";
// TODO: issue more requests as needed here
echo "\n";
try {
// send signal to controller to request new identity (IP)
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
echo "Failed to issue NEWNYM signal: " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n";
This example uses Python 3 and assumes you have the Python interpreter up and running and have the following packages installed: requests
, requests[socks]
, socks
, urllib3
, stem
On Debian/Ubuntu: sudo -H pip3 install requests requests[socks] socks urllib3 stem
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
from stem.control import Controller, Signal
import time
import sys
import re
# specify Tor's SOCKS proxy for http and https requests
proxies = {
'http': 'socks5h://',
'https': 'socks5h://',
controller = Controller.from_port(9051) # try to connect to controller at localhost:9051
except stem.SocketError as exc:
print("Unable to connect to tor on port 9051: %s" % exc)
controller.authenticate('password') # try to authenticate with password "password"
except stem.connection.PasswordAuthFailed:
print("Unable to authenticate, password is incorrect")
# issue 10 requests, changing identity after each request
for i in range(1,10):
# issue request, passing proxies to request
r = requests.get('https://drew-phillips.com/ip-info/', proxies=proxies)
m = re.search('<dt>Using Tor:</dt><dd><span[^>]*>Yes', r.text)
if m:
print("You appear to be using Tor successfully. ", end="")
print("Proxy worked but this Tor IP is not known. ", end="")
m = re.search('<dt>IP Address:</dt><dd>(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)</dd>', r.text)
if m:
print("Source IP = %s" % m.groups(1))
print("Failed to scrape IP from page")
# send signal to controller to request new identity (IP)
except Exception as ex:
print("NEWNYM failed: %s" % ex)