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SOLR error when trying to use '+' in a rang

I'm trying to use SOLR rang to look for a value in a timestamp between [NOW/DAY TO NOW/DAY+1DAY] when I run it in the solr admin console it works fine but when I navigate to the link provided with the query I get 400 error
Cannot parse 'TIMESTAMP:[NOW/DAY TO NOW/DAY 1DAY]': Encountered \" <RANGE_GOOP> \"1DAY \"\" at line 1, column 37.\nWas expecting one of:\n \"]\" ...\n \"}\" ...\n ",
I noticed that the '+' was removed,even if it existed in the url . thank you for help.


  • try encoding the + char, so it looks like this:

    http://localhost:8983/solr/core/select?q=[NOW/DAY TO NOW/DAY%2B1DAY]