I have a command line tool built with Python's click library. I want to extend this tool to use user-defined keywords like the following:
$ my-cli --foo 10 --bar 20
Normally I would add the following code to my command
@click.option('--foo', type=int, default=0, ...)
However in my case there are a few keywords that are user defined. I won't know that the user wants to sepcify foo or bar or something else ahead of time.
Currently, my best solution is to use strings and do my own parsing
$ my-cli --resources "foo=10 bar=20"
Which would work, but is slightly less pleasant.
I think this should work:
import click
@click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Enables verbose mode')
@click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED)
def cli(verbose, extra_args):
"""A wrapper around Python's timeit."""
print(verbose, extra_args)
if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python test.py --foo 12
False ('--foo', '12')
$ python test.py --foo 12 -v
True ('--foo', '12')
From: http://click.pocoo.org/5/advanced/#forwarding-unknown-options