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How to refresh Google OAuth2 token programatically

I'm using Django with python-social-auth to authenticate my users with Google OAuth2 and use the Youtube API.

What I would like to achieve is ask them to login and authorize only once and be able to use their credentials as long as I want. This is not possible because after about an hour they expire and I need the user to re-authorize my application to get new credentials.

I assume the solution is to refresh the credentials periodically but I could not find any reliable guide in how to do this.

My current configuration is:

   'access_type': 'offline',
   'approval_prompt': 'force'

Also, an authorized user has the following extras:

  "access_token": "the_access_token",
  "expires": 3600,
  "refresh_token": "the_refresh_token",
  "token_type": "Bearer"

I've tried refreshing it with the code below but since It still expires I think it is not the correct way:

social_user = UserSocialAuth.objects.get(...)  # Fetch the instance
social_user.refresh_token(load_strategy())  # Returns "None"


  • After some more tests I found out that using refresh_token actually does refresh it for another hour of usage, so what I need to do is have a cron job to run a Django command to refresh them before expiration, something like below:

    # app/management/commands/    
    from import BaseCommand
    from import UserSocialAuth
    from social.apps.django_app.utils import load_strategy
    class Command(BaseCommand):
        def handle(self, *args, **options):
            for social_user in UserSocialAuth.objects.filter(provider='google-oauth2'):
    # crontab to run it every 30th minute
    */30 * * * * /path_to/env/bin/python /path_to/

    What I really wanted though is a way to be able to refresh/have the token on demand like other social networks provide (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) that only need one sign in and the credentials never expire.