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Binding element 'index' implicitly has an 'any' type

Using the demo project of angular2-mdl as a guide I ported the tab component and tried to implement it as following:

    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'my-dashboard',
        templateUrl: './'
    export class MyDashboard {
        public activeIndex = 0;
        public tabChanged({index}): void {
            this.activeIndex = index;

and the template:

    <mdl-tabs mdl-ripple mdl-tab-active-index="0" (mdl-tab-active-changed)="tabChanged($event)">
        <mdl-tab-panel mdl-tab-panel-title="home">
                <mdl-icon class="mdl-color-text--primary">home</mdl-icon><span>Home</span>
        <mdl-tab-panel mdl-tab-panel-title="something">
                <mdl-icon class="mdl-color-text--primary">group_work</mdl-icon><span>Ontology</span>
        <mdl-tab-panel mdl-tab-panel-title="another">
                <mdl-icon class="mdl-color-text--primary">list</mdl-icon><span>Cognitive</span>
        <mdl-tab-panel mdl-tab-panel-title="else">
                <mdl-icon class="mdl-color-text--primary">call_split</mdl-icon><span>Cognition</span>
        <mdl-tab-panel mdl-tab-panel-title="last">
                <mdl-icon class="mdl-color-text--primary">backup</mdl-icon><span>Streaming</span>

I am using webpack and I get the following TypeScript error regarding implicit any types:

ERROR in [default] home/my-app-ui/src/app/ 
Binding element 'index' implicitly has an 'any' type.

However the app displays the desired functionality, can someone explain how to fix this?


  • use any or specific type of the variable like ( numbers,string,etc )

    public tabChanged(index:any): void {
        this.activeIndex = index;