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Slide Over and Split View is not enabling

I am trying to enable Slide Over and Split View in the iPad application.But in the side menu my application is missing.

I am using this guide that is presented in this link.

I do this steps:

  • Set the Base SDK to “Latest iOS,” as described in Setting the Base SDK in App Distribution Guide.
  • Provide a LaunchScreen.storyboard file (instead of a .png image file as you did in iOS 7 and earlier), as described in Creating a Launch Screen File in App Distribution Guide.
  • In your project’s Info.plist file, in the “Supported interface orientations (iPad)” array.

In the project.


enter image description here

Base SDK

enter image description here

iPad Orientation

enter image description here


  • Did you tried unchecking Requires full screen? In iPad it prevent Multi Window support.