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TSQL - Averaging a result from sp_MSforeachdb

I have hundreds of databases on the same SQL server (SQL2012), they all have the same basic structure and I'm trying to get the average number of 'Contacts' our databases.

I can run a sp_MSforeachdb query that presents a list of how many contacts are in the contacts table, but I need to then average out the result. Any guidance on doing this.

This is the query I've got so far:

exec sp_MSforeachdb
'use ?
IF DB_NAME() NOT IN ( "model","tempdb","master","msdb")
select count (CONTACTID) as TotalContacts from contact_tbl '

I appreciate it's likely fairly basic stuff, but I'm new here and I've googled the crap out of it and tried a lot of different suggestions from here and other places with no joy.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • You need a temp table. Insert the Sp_msforeachdb procedure result into one temp table and find average

    IF Object_id('tempdb..#avg') IS NOT NULL
      DROP TABLE #avg
    CREATE TABLE #avg(cnt INT)
    INSERT INTO #avg(cnt)
    EXEC Sp_msforeachdb
      'use ?
        IF DB_NAME() NOT IN ( "model","tempdb","master","msdb")
        select count (CONTACTID) as TotalContacts from contact_tbl '
    SELECT Avg(cnt)
    FROM   #test