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How to build a Treeview design (a task group with tasks nesting hierarchy) using Inno Setup?

I'm trying to build a Treeview hierarchy of checkable elements and labels that must be more or less like this:

Standalone Controls (label, root)
|__Check/Uncheck all controls of all groups (checkbox)
|  |
|  |__Controls group 1 (group description label)
|  |  |__Check/Uncheck all these controls (checkbox)
|  |     |__Control name 1 (task)
|  |     |__Control name 2 (task)
|  |     |__Control name 3 (task)
|  |       
|  |__Controls group 2 (group description label)
|  |  |__Check/Uncheck all these controls (checkbox)
|  |     |__Control name 1 (task)
|  |     |__Control name 2 (task)
|  |     |__Control name 3 (task)

...and so on.

Or this variant below in case of the hierarchy shown above could be too hard to code it:

Standalone Controls (label, root)
|__Controls group 1 (group description label)
|  |__Check/Uncheck all these controls (checkbox)
|     |__Control name 1 (task)
|     |__Control name 2 (task)
|     |__Control name 3 (task)
|__Controls group 2 (group description label)
|  |__Check/Uncheck all these controls (checkbox)
|     |__Control name 1 (task)
|     |__Control name 2 (task)
|     |__Control name 3 (task)

However, what I got so far is this:

enter image description here

This is a sample of the code I have:

StandaloneDescr=%nStandalone Controls

Name: WinFormsControls; Description: Check/Uncheck all; GroupDescription: {cm:StandaloneDescr}

Name: WinFormsControls; Description: Check/Uncheck all; GroupDescription: {cm:ButtonsDescr}
Name: WinFormsControls\CButton; Description: CButton
Name: WinFormsControls\GlassButton; Description: Glass Button
Name: WinFormsControls\MyCommandButtonNET; Description: My Command Button.NET
Name: WinFormsControls\PulseButton; Description: Pulse Button

Name: WinFormsControls; Description: Check/Uncheck all; GroupDescription: {cm:CheckboxesDescr}
Name: WinFormsControls\DontShowAgainCheckbox; Description: Don't Show Again Checkbox

Name: WinFormsControls; Description: Check/Uncheck all; GroupDescription: {cm:GroupboxesDescr}
Name: WinFormsControls\Grouper; Description: Grouper

Name: WinFormsControls; Description: Check/Uncheck all; GroupDescription: {cm:KnobsDescr}
Name: WinFormsControls\Knob; Description: Knob
Name: WinFormsControls\KnobControl; Description: KnobControl


How can I do this right?


  • If I understand your question correctly, the problem is that the main "Standalone controls" checkbox does not work, right? Because it's not a part of the hierarchy.

    The easiest solution is to give up on the GroupDescription's and move them to the checkbox description:

    Name: WinFormsControls; Description: "Standalone controls"
    Name: WinFormsControls\Buttons; Description: "Buttons"
    Name: WinFormsControls\Buttons\CButton; Description: CButton
    Name: WinFormsControls\Buttons\GlassButton; Description: Glass Button
    Name: WinFormsControls\Buttons\MyCommandButtonNET; Description: My Command Button.NET
    Name: WinFormsControls\Buttons\PulseButton; Description: Pulse Button
    Name: WinFormsControls\Checkboxes; Description: "Checkboxes"
    Name: WinFormsControls\Checkboxes\DontShowAgainCheckbox; Description: Don't Show Again Checkbox
    Name: WinFormsControls\Groupboxes; Description: "Groupboxes"
    Name: WinFormsControls\Groupboxes\Grouper; Description: Grouper
    Name: WinFormsControls\Knobs; Description: "Knobs"
    Name: WinFormsControls\Knobs\Knob; Description: Knob
    Name: WinFormsControls\Knobs\KnobControl; Description: KnobControl

    Task tree

    If you want to keep the GroupDescription's, you can bind the main "Check/Uncheck all" to the other checkboxes programmatically:

    procedure TasksListClickCheck(Sender: TObject);
      Index: Integer;
      if WizardForm.TasksList.ItemIndex = 1 then
        for Index := 2 to WizardForm.TasksList.Items.Count - 1 do
          WizardForm.TasksList.Checked[Index] := WizardForm.TasksList.Checked[1];
    procedure InitializeWizard();
      WizardForm.TasksList.OnClickCheck := @TasksListClickCheck;

    If you really need the hierarchy (indentation), you need to build a custom page. Inno Setup does not support nested group descriptions in the Tasks section. It ignores the GroupDescription parameter for child tasks.

      TasksList: TNewCheckListBox;
    procedure InitializeWizard();
      CustomSelectTasksPage: TWizardPage;
      CustomSelectTasksPage :=
        CreateCustomPage(wpSelectTasks, SetupMessage(msgWizardSelectTasks), SetupMessage(msgSelectTasksDesc));
      TasksList := TNewCheckListBox.Create(WizardForm);
      TasksList.Left := WizardForm.TasksList.Left; 
      TasksList.Top := WizardForm.SelectTasksLabel.Top; 
      TasksList.Width := WizardForm.TasksList.Width; 
      TasksList.Height := WizardForm.TasksList.Top + WizardForm.TasksList.Height - WizardForm.SelectTasksLabel.Top; 
      TasksList.BorderStyle := WizardForm.TasksList.BorderStyle;
      TasksList.Color := WizardForm.TasksList.Color;
      TasksList.ShowLines := WizardForm.TasksList.ShowLines;
      TasksList.MinItemHeight := WizardForm.TasksList.MinItemHeight;
      TasksList.ParentColor := WizardForm.TasksList.ParentColor;
      TasksList.WantTabs := WizardForm.TasksList.WantTabs;
      TasksList.Parent := CustomSelectTasksPage.Surface;
      TasksList.AddGroup('Standalone controls', '', 0, nil);
      TasksList.AddCheckBox('Check/Uncheck all', '', 0, True, True, False, True, nil);
        TasksList.AddGroup('Buttons', '', 1, nil);
        TasksList.AddCheckBox('Check/Uncheck all', '', 1, True, True, False, True, nil);
          TasksList.AddCheckBox('CButton', '', 2, True, True, False, True, nil);
          TasksList.AddCheckBox('Glass Button', '', 2, True, True, False, True, nil);
          TasksList.AddCheckBox('My Command Button.NET', '', 2, True, True, False, True, nil);
          TasksList.AddCheckBox('Pulse Button', '', 2, True, True, False, True, nil);
        TasksList.AddGroup('Checkboxes', '', 1, nil);
        TasksList.AddCheckBox('Check/Uncheck all', '', 1, True, True, False, True, nil);
          TasksList.AddCheckBox('Don''t Show Again Checkbox', '', 2, True, True, False, True, nil);
        TasksList.AddGroup('Knobs', '', 1, nil);
        TasksList.AddCheckBox('Check/Uncheck all', '', 1, True, True, False, True, nil);
          TasksList.AddCheckBox('KnobControl', '', 2, True, True, False, True, nil);

    Custom task page

    And you will need to bind the tasks to actions in sections like [Files], [Run] or [Registry] using a Check parameters:

    Source: "CButton.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Check: GetCustomTask(2)
      TasksList: TNewCheckListBox;
    { ... }
    function GetCustomTask(TaskIndex: Integer): Boolean;
      Result := TasksList.Checked[TaskIndex];

    For a similar question, see How to split tasklist at tasks page of Inno Setup into multiple columns?

    In Inno Setup 6, instead of using indexes, you can also use task names with use of WizardIsTaskSelected and WizardSelectTasks.