Search code examples

Relation passed to #or must be structurally compatible. Incompatible values: [:references]

I have two queries, I need an or between them, i.e. I want results that are returned by either the first or the second query.

First query is a simple where() which gets all available items.

@items = @items.where(available: true)

Second includes a join() and gives the current user's items.

@items =
  .where(orders: { user_id:})

I tried to combine these with Rails' or() method in various forms, including:

@items =
  .where(orders: { user_id:})
    .where(available: true)

But I keep running into this error and I'm not sure how to fix it.

Relation passed to #or must be structurally compatible. Incompatible values: [:references]


  • There is a known issue about it on Github.

    According to this comment you might want to override the structurally_incompatible_values_for_or to overcome the issue:

    def structurally_incompatible_values_for_or(other)
      Relation::SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS.reject { |m| send("#{m}_value") == other.send("#{m}_value") } +
        (Relation::MULTI_VALUE_METHODS - [:eager_load, :references, :extending]).reject { |m| send("#{m}_values") == other.send("#{m}_values") } +
        (Relation::CLAUSE_METHODS - [:having, :where]).reject { |m| send("#{m}_clause") == other.send("#{m}_clause") }

    Also there is always an option to use SQL:

      .where("orders.user_id = ? OR items.available = true",