I have a simple example
public class FileSystemReadFile {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
System.out.println("Reading the file" + args[0]);
which is created in IntelliJ where I want to build JAR file; So what I did:
is located in src\main\resources\META-INF\
as it is already mentioned somewhere here on the site.java <name>.jar
You may see that main class is added into MANIFEST and location of manifest is also fine.
When I open that created JAR file, I see the same MANIFEST content, I see lots of dependency modules, but I don't see my class!
I suspect that is a cause. Any ideas?
Not sure what was with IntellJ, but I rebuilded artifacts again and it was ok.
hadoop jar <Jar-name>
java -jar <Jar-name>
Everything is working fine.