Is there a more efficient way to update an element in a list in Elm than map
ing over each element?
{ model | items = List.indexedMap (\i x -> if i == 2 then "z" else x) model.items }
Maybe Elm's compiler is sophisticated enough to optimize this so that map
or indexedMap
isn't unnecessarily copying over every element except 1. What about nested lists?
Clojure has assoc-in
to update an element inside a nested list or record (can be combined too). Does Elm have an equivalent?
More efficient in terms of amount of code would be (this is similar to @MichaelKohl's answer):
List.take n list ++ newN :: List.drop (n+1) list
PS: if n is < 0 or n > (length of list - 1) then the new item will be added before or at the end of the list.
PPS: I seem to recall that a :: alist
is slightly better performing than [a] ++ alist
If you mean efficient in terms of performance/ number of operations:
As soon as your lists get large, it is more efficient to use an Array
(or a Dict
) instead of a List as your type.
But there is a trade-off:
and Dict
are very efficient/ performant when you frequently retrieve/ update/ add items.List
is very performant when you do frequent sorting and filtering and other operations where you actually need to map over the entire set.That is why in my code, List
is what I use a lot in view
code. On the data side (in my update
functions) I use Dict
and Array