I simply want to combine multiple eps files into one big file using gs
the command work flawlessly except that when I specify more than 20 input files.
Somehow the command ignore input files starting from 21st input.
Anyone experience the same behavior? Is there a cap of number of input files specify anywhere?
I look through the site and couldn't find one.
sample command
gs -o output.eps -sDEVICE=eps2write file1.eps file2.eps .... file21.eps
Thank you.
Edit: add sample command
Almost certainly you have simply reached the maximum length of the command line for your Operating System. You can use the @ syntax for Ghostscript to supply a file containing the command line instead.
Note that the EPS files will not be placed appropriately using that command, and this does not actually combine EPS files, it creates a new EPS file whose marking content should be the same as the input(s).
If you actually want to combine the EPS files its easy enough, but will require a small amount of programming to parse the EPS file headers and produce appropriate scale/translate operations, as well as stripping off any bitmap previews (which will also happen when you run them through Ghostscript).