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Google book Images fetching limit exceed

I am fetching Google Book images through ISBN number. I am using dynamic link which is given here According to this, it does not have any limit but it shows me error sometime that limit exceed, please register.

   function handleResponse(response) {
   for (var i = 0; i < response.items.length; i++) {

     var item = response.items[i];

     var x =item.volumeInfo.imageLinks.smallThumbnail;

     document.getElementById("<?php echo $r?>").src = x;
     if(document.getElementById("<?php echo $r?>").src)
     {  <?php $check=1;?>   }

<?php if($check==1){?>
<img  id="<?php echo $r?>" border="0" src="img/noimg.png" />
<?php }?>
   $rr=$r1['isbn'] ?><?php
   <script src="<?php echo $rr ?>&jscmd=viewap&callback=handleResponse"></script>


  • All Google APIs require that you identify your application. Some of the public APIs like Google Books will let you access them for a short time without identifying yourself but eventually you are going to hit the quota limit.

    You only need to create an API key on the Google Developers console and add a Key parameter to your request and tack on the key you got from the console.[apikey]&q=isbn

    Quota In google developer console where you enabled the books api. check for a tab called quota. It will tell you there how many requests you can make a day and you may be able to request an increase of your quota.