I found https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev/tree/master/b2g Mozilla repositories where have the moz.build file, can anybody help, how I can build this plugin. What are tools I need use for build project with use moz.build ?
thank you
If you are trying to build B2G (Firefox OS), then you should follow the procedure documented here. But I have to advise you that you're using the wrong repository if that's your objective, since the correct one for B2G should be this.
In any case, you would need to install the build prerequisites for Linux, as described here, by using the following command:
wget -O bootstrap.py https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/default/python/mozboot/bin/bootstrap.py && python bootstrap.py
Now, if you really wanted to just build the b2g folder in the repository you linked, once you've downloaded and installed the prerequisites, simply issue the following command from the root of gecko-dev
./mach build b2g
This will invoke mach, the build system Mozilla uses, to build the code in the b2g directory.