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Shiny with flexdashboard, dataframe as variable

Using shiny within Flexdashboard I want to plot and display a dataframe where this dataframe is a variable from an input in my sidebar:

Inputs {.sidebar}

selectInput("df", label = h3("Select df"),  choices = list("january" = "df1", "february" = "df2"))

I'm then plotting and displaying my dataframe inside a tabset:

Row {.tabset}

### Plot
plot(fread(paste("/Users/woshitom/Desktop/shiny/",input$df,".csv",sep="")),type="o", col="blue")

### Data

As you can see I'm loading 2 times my csv:


Instead I'd like to store it in a variable:

my_df <- fread(paste("/Users/woshitom/Desktop/shiny/",input$df,".csv",sep=""))

But when I do so I'm getting the following error:

Operation not allowed without an active reactive context. (You tried to do something that can only be done from inside a reactive expression or observer.)

Any idea how i should store this dataframe?


  • Shiny inputs should be used inside render functions, observers or reactives. This is why you are getting the error. In your case since you want to store the result in a variable the way to go is to create a reactive variable with reactive(). This is the soltution:

    my_df <- reactive({fread(paste("/Users/woshitom/Desktop/shiny/",input‌​$df,".csv",sep=""))}‌​)