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Docker: Connecting to external database

I have hbase instance running which my app connects, We are planning to move the app into docker container but keep hbase running outside of docker. I could make the my app running in docker container connect to hbase by using add-host option while running docker container as below

docker run -dit --add-host mydockerimage

However what we need is auto-scaling function of swarm, as we have multiple services to run, what is the correct way of achieving this if i want to run my app as docker service instead of individual container, i couldn't find any references to "--add-host" in "docker service"


  • Update: As of docker 1.13 you now have a similar flag to add entries to /etc/host.

    To add a host at service creation, you can use the --host flag:

    docker service create --name myapp --host "" --replicas 5 myimage

    To update the service and add an additional host after its creation, you use the --host-add flag:

    docker service update --host-add "hbase:x.x.x.x" myapp

    You can also remove a host using --host-rm.

    Original answer

    --add-host only appends an host:IP association in /etc/hosts.

    You can switch from using --add-host to using environment variables with --env even though this will require slight changes to your app to use the environment variable instead of the hostname to connect to hbase.

    # Applies environment variables for all tasks in a service.
    docker service create --name myapp --replicas=5 --env myimage

    Then you can scale the service using:

    docker service scale myapp=20

    Additional tasks should be able to use the environment variable to connect to hbase.

    Source: I'm an ex-Docker Swarmkit maintainer