We're using the measurement protocol as v=1&t=event&tid=UA-XXXXXXXX-X&cid=7fdf4bee-96c9-11e6-873f-120d450b74d3&ec=email&ea=open&cn=xxx&cs=yyy&cm=email&ci=zzz&dp=lll&dt=mmm&z=1479780958&el=nnn
From Real Time->Events
we can easily see the event category (ec), event label (el) and event action (ea), but we fail to find other related info generated in the event like cn, cs, cm, ci, dp, dt, ...
Where/how can we access/see this information?
The real-time reports are very limited. You will have to wait the 24 hours and then look for them in the standard reports. Normally part of source and medium.