How to create unique dynamic cookie until the cookie is deleted. I am using
setcookie("name",uniqid(), 0, "/");
But its generates a new name for every page load but I want only one name until the cookie is deleted.
You need to first check if the user has a cookie set, and if it contains the information you're looking to save in it. If it isn't set, then you create a new name for it. If it's set, re-create it using the same name.
To test whether or not it's set, then you need to loop through the $_COOOKIES
array, and check for a specific key. Which is a rather haevy-handed approach.
That is why this is, generally, not the best of ideas. As the name of the cookie should be static, but rather contain a randomly created key that points to the content in a DB. Makes checking for the cookie easy, and it helps you save the data out of the reach from the user (to prevent manipulation).
That said this sounds very much like a session, unless you want the cookie to persist even if the browser is closed. If this is not a concern, and the cookie should be deleted when the browser is closed, I recommend just using the sessions instead: Much simpler. :)