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How to recover a corrupted sd card

Is there a free, fast way to recover the contents of an sd card? I have an sd card that originally belonged to a camera, with videos and photos on it. Recently, the camera no longer can take pictures, and the sd card looks like this on a computer.

The files and folders are replaced with random symbols, and are impossible to open.

enter image description here

I've tried multiple computers, and a software that didn't let me recover the images without paying. Is there a way to do it?


  • I recommend using a data ripper - it looks up file magic bytes, and copies the whole files into separate location. If your camera has corrupted the SD card when plugged out and in, I suppose you'll be able to recover min. 70% of data, but don't assume this, as it is computing black magic. There are many free data rippers.

    Anyways, this question belongs to your camera or SD card vendor's support tracker.