Have a property
var resultSearchController = UISearchController()
Creating UISearchController on viewDidLoad() method
self.resultSearchController = ({
let controller = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
controller.searchResultsUpdater = self
controller.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
controller.searchBar.barStyle = UIBarStyle.black
controller.searchBar.barTintColor = UIColor.white
controller.searchBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
controller.hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = false
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = controller.searchBar
return controller
As result have a note text with normal displaying plus and particularly displaying a start on text on left top corner of each cell. What could i do wrong? P.S. Figured out most likely it have nothing to do with UISearchBar
I found the lines i made a mistake. I used property cell.textLabel
instead of cell.noteLabel
. Ty for your time.
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cellIdentifier = "NoteTableViewCell"
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: cellIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! NoteTableViewCell
let note: Note
if self.resultSearchController.isActive {
note = filteredNotes[indexPath.row]
cell.textLabel?.text = filteredNotes[indexPath.row].note
} else {
note = notes[indexPath.row]
cell.textLabel?.text = notes[indexPath.row].note
return cell