I have a query and I am trying to run the query. The issue i think is that i have added a condition where an item from a column from the database must equal to the computer name of the user.
Hence, I created a variable called computerName
that simply retrieves the host name of the computer via NodeJs.
var os = require("os");
var computerName = os.hostname(); // Detect the computer name associated with the tablet
Below is the query
connection.query("SELECT box_id, longestDimension from box where longestDimension != '' AND LOWER(box_id) = LOWER(computerName)", function(err, rows, fields) {
seems to be the problem because when the query is run with a generic name such as box45 it works.
I am getting connection error. I guess the better question is how do I include a defined variable into the query
It looks like you're trying to insert computerName
directly into your SQL statement. At minimum, you'd need to write something like
connection.query("SELECT box_id, longestDimension from box where longestDimension != '' AND LOWER(box_id) = LOWER('" + computerName + "')", function(err, rows, fields) {
But you should be escaping the value of computerName
. You don't know what value it might contain.
connection.query("SELECT box_id, longestDimension from box where longestDimension != '' AND LOWER(box_id) = LOWER('" + connection.escape(computerName) + "')", function(err, rows, fields) {
But a better way to do it is with ? substitution:
connection.query("SELECT box_id, longestDimension from box where longestDimension != '' AND LOWER(box_id) = LOWER(?)", computerName, function(err, rows, fields) {
Also, if the collation of the box_id column is case insensitive, which is usually the default, then you can skip the lowercasing the values.
I'd write it like this, for readability
let sql = "SELECT box_id, longestDimension FROM box WHERE longestDimension != '' AND box_id = ?";
connection.query(sql, computerName, function(err, rows, fields) {
Or if your node version supports template literals
let sql = `SELECT box_id, longestDimension
FROM box
WHERE longestDimension != ''
AND box_id = ?`;
connection.query(sql, computerName, function(err, rows, fields) {
If you have multiple variables there's two ways to do it: with an object, or with an array.
Object method:
let payload = {
box_id: "Johannesburg",
longestDimension: 12.4
let sql = 'INSERT INTO box SET ?';
connection.query(sql, payload, function(err, rows, fields) {
Array method:
let computerName = "Johannesburg";
let longestDimension = 12.4;
let sql = 'INSERT INTO box SET box_id = ?, longestDimension = ?';
// alternative, equivalent SQL statement:
// let sql = 'INSERT INTO box (box_id, longestDimension) VALUES (?, ?)';
connection.query(sql, [ computerName, longestDimension ], function(err, rows, fields) {
You can even combine them
let payload = {
box_id: "Johannesburg",
longestDimension: 12.4
let boxName = "Box A";
let sql = 'UPDATE box SET ? WHERE box_name = ?';
connection.query(sql, [ payload, boxName ], function(err, rows, fields) {
In this last example, the payload object is substituted for the first ?
and the boxName variable is substituted for the second ?