I want to ssh to a remote host via a phoenix app.
I am using Erlang :ssh following these steps
1) Starting an iex Session
iex -S mix phoenix.server
2) Ensuring that :ssh application has started
3) ssh to remote server
{:ok, conn} = :ssh.connect('xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', 22, [user: 'root', user_dir: 'priv/keys', silently_accept_hosts: true])
I am asked for ssh password even after following all these information.
I have the IP and the user values correctly passed also the key in priv/keys folder.
Is there something that I am doing wrong?
If your key file has a passphrase, you will need to include one of the *_pass_phrase
{:ok, conn} =
:ssh.connect('xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', 22,
[user: 'root', user_dir: 'priv/keys', silently_accept_hosts: true,
rsa_pass_phrase: 'mypassphrase'])