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Android device not shown with adb

I have searched for a long time for this, I have tried all the tricks I could find...

I have been debugging on the same device for a few months, deploying the app on other exact same devices flawlessly. But since last week, I can no longer connect to it. Connecting the device via USB, I can hear the computer's sound warn about the connected device, and I can see in Chrome that it is recognized

enter image description here

However, adb won't detect it.

enter image description here

Unfortunately, I have not access to root on the devices, so I'm not sure how to connect via TCP/IP.

What could possibly be the problem?

Note: I am working with Ubuntu.

Note 2: The devices run Android 4.4.2, as reported by the device, despite specs from various vendors say otherwise.


I have verified my UDEV rules, so

$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 123: ID 1f3a:1002 Onda (unverified) 

is the only device added when I connect the tablet via USB. And in my /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules file (which I have already set over a year ago), I have the correct line

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1f3a", MODE="0666"

The Developer Options are

  • Take bug report
  • Desktop backup password
  • Stay awake
  • HDCP checking
  • Process Stats


  • USB debugging (= ON)
  • Power menu bug reports
  • Allow mock locations (= ON)
  • Select debug app
  • (disabled) Wait for debugger
  • Verify apps over USB
  • Wireless display certification


  • Show touches
  • Pointer location


  • Show surface updates
  • Show layout bounds
  • Force RTL layout direction
  • Window animation scale
  • Transition animation scale
  • Animator duraction scale
  • Simluate secondary displays

Hardware acceleration rendering

  • Force GPU rendering
  • Show GPU new updates
  • Show hardware layers updates
  • Debug GPU overdraw
  • Debug non-rectangular clip operations
  • Force 4x MSAA
  • Disable HW overlays


  • Strict mode enabled
  • Show CPU usage
  • Profile GPU rendering
  • Enable GPU traces


  • Don't keep activites (= ON)
  • Background process limit (= standard)
  • Show all ANRs

(All options with values or set are indicated in the above list. If nothing is mentioned, then no value is set.)


  • Since you've got Chrome Remote debugging working, just make sure that Chrome debugging isn't running when doing things with adb on the command line.

    I believe that Chrome has its own version of adb-server so that would conflict with the one used by Android Studio.