I simply want to change the color of the textarea in disqus where one can write his comment in disqus. I spent the last 3 hours in failing to do.
With firebug I was able to change it, and I know what css tags I need to use.
#dsq-content .dsq-post-fields .dsq-input-wrapper { background: #2A2A2A none no-repeat scroll left top; }
Everywhere I added this, it just got ignored.
I mailed disqus and they sayed that they will introduce a new theme manager soon, bot until then it is not possible.
Try using !important
on every property
Update: I can't find the classes you are referring to, but I assume you mean to style the "add comment" fields. On cursory inspection, it seems like the form resides in an iframe, which makes it a separate document and unstylable via your site's CSS.