I want to add couple Sitecore domains and roles and have an ability to store these settings in our solution to share with other teammates. We use TDS to save Sitecore items into our solution usually, but I don't know how to save domains and roles. Just for test: I added a domain and a role for that domain. I found that new role in the usual membership table in Core DB and a new domain in the special config file ..\Website\App_Config\Security\Domains.config.
I can see only one way at the moment: use this config file to share with other teammates(or create some patch file) and use serialize/deserialize feature for Roles(..\Data\serialization\security\sitecore\Roles).
Does somebody know any other way to solve this task? it might be that Sitecore stores Roles as usual Sitecore items somewhere in Code DB as well, however I didn't mange to find this folder in the tree.
Thank you in advance for the help.
Your config solution for domains is correct.
For roles, TDS does support the ability to sync them since version 5.1. You must enable this in the project properties under the General
tab first. This adds a new node under your TDS project called Sitecore Roles
that produces a different context menu with a Sync Sitecore Roles