I am attempting to create an Azure Worker Role to download emails and store them in a database. I'm throwing some exceptions when I can't connect or authenticate with a mail server, but catching these is not working.
The exceptions I throw are not being caught by the try catch block. Why is that?
The RunAsync method of my worker role:
private async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// TODO: Replace the following with your own logic.
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var emailManager = new EmailManager();
var emails = new List<Email>();
emails = emailManager.GetNewEmails("outlook.office365.com", 993, "email", "password");
catch(Exception ex)
await Task.Delay(1000);
public List<Email> GetNewEmails(string server, ushort port, string username, string password)
var imapClient = new ImapClient(server, port, username, password, false);
if (!imapClient.Connect())
throw new Exception("Unable to connect to server.");
if (!imapClient.Authenticate())
throw new Exception("Unable to authenticate with server.");
var messages = imapClient.GetMessages();
var emails = Mapper.Map<List<MailMessage>, List<Email>>(messages);
return emails;
As it turns out the thread is not actually crashing, but hanging indefinitely. This appears to be a bug in the e-mail library I'm using, OpaqueMail, which occurs when you attempt to establish a non-SSL POP3 or IMAP connection. I've raised a bug with the developer on their GitHub page.
When I force an SSL connection everything works as expected and exceptions that are thrown are caught as they should be.
So to sum it up, a bug caused the thread to hang, the problem was never related to Azure, asynchronous methods or exception handling. It was an OpaqueMail bug all along.