I have a problem using QMediaPlayer.mediaStatusChanged
According to Qt5.7 documentation, when media status is changed to EndOfMedia
, the QMediaPlayer state should be StoppedState
Playback has reached the end of the current media. The player is in the StoppedState.
However, the state is not stopped. Here is a sample that reproduces the issue:
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl
from PyQt5.QtMultimedia import QMediaPlayer, QMediaContent
class MediaPlayer(QMediaPlayer):
default = 'test.mp3'
def __init__(self):
super(MediaPlayer, self).__init__()
def setup_media(self, media):
url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(media)
def media_status_changed(self, status):
if status == QMediaPlayer.EndOfMedia:
print(self.state() == QMediaPlayer.StoppedState) # I get False
# self.state() is QMediaPlayer.PlayingState
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
m = MediaPlayer()
Does anyone face the same problem? I can fix the problem with a workaround but I think it may be a Qt problem.
I reported the issue to Qt as it seems to be a Windows only bug :
Possible workarounds to fix the problem :
Force stop before processing
def media_status_changed(self, status):
if status == QMediaPlayer.EndOfMedia:
super(MediaPlayer, self).stop()
# process
Poll until getting StoppedState
def media_status_changed(self, status):
if status == QMediaPlayer.EndOfMedia:
while not (self.state() == QMediaPlayer.StoppedState):
# process
I will add here any update regarding the Qt issue.
EDIT: issue updated and fixed in Qt v5.10.1