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Word document. Replacement markers

There is a file format .docx. In this file there are markers, for example:





Need to replace markers with values. Values come into the function from the js.

I use c#.

Any suggestions.


  • So based on what you've told me, I'm assuming that you have something like this:

    using System;
    using System.IO;
    class json
        string FirstName = "";
        string MiddleName = "";
        string LastName = "";
        string FullName = FirstName + " " + MiddleName + " " + LastName;
        FileStream fStream = new FileStream("fileName.docx", FileMode.Open, 
                                             FileAccess.Write, FileAshar.Write);
        public json()
        public void SendNameToFile(string fName)
             fStream.Write(fName + "\n");

    Again, your question is kind of vague. I'm not sure what you mean by Markers, but if you mean that you have fields in your .docx displaying [FirstName], [MiddleName, & [LastName], and you want to sub those out with your string variable values, then you have to search through your .docx and look for that particular char[] of your Markers and then re-assign those with your variables.

    You can check out this link on MSDN:

    "How to: Programmatically Search for and Replace Text in Documents"