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Could ByteBuffer implement DataOutput/DataInput?

Is there some subtle reason why java.nio.ByteBuffer does not implement or, or did the authors just not choose to do this? It would seem straightforward to map the calls (e.g. putInt() -> writeInt()).

The basic problem I (and some others, apparently) have is older classes which know how to serialize/serialize themselves using the generic interfaces: DataInput/DataOutput. I would like to reuse my custom serialization without writing a custom proxy for ByteBuffer.


  • Just wrap the buffer in ByteArrayInputStream or ByteArrayOutputStream using the put() or wrap() methods. The problem with having a ByteBuffer directly emulate a datainput/output stream has to do with not knowing the sizes in advance. What if there's an overrun?

    What is needed is a ByteBufferOutputStream in which you can wrap / expose the required behaviors. Examples of this exist; the Apache avro serialization scheme has such a thing. It's not too hard to roll your own. Why is there not one by default? Well, it's not a perfect world...

    ByteArrayOutputStream backing = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    DataOutput foo = new DataOutputStream(backing); 
    // do your serialization out to foo
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(backing.toByteArray());
    // now you've got a bytebuffer...