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Pass variable when binding template

Currently I bind a template this way

 <div data-bind="template: { name: 'comp-template', foreach: company}">

Now I need to pass a variable "host-company" = true while binding the template so that I can access that variable from comp-template view. How can I do this?

Note: currently I get company details from a json file and current view looks like this

 Host company: <span data-bind="if:"></span>

This output to Host company: true. So I want something like this

<div data-bind="template: { name: 'comp-template', foreach: company, data: {host-company:} }">

So that I can use the value of in template as host-company.


  • First of all, you need to remove the -(dash) from the host-company because that makes it an invalid identifier. I would suggest to rename it to hostCompany or something like this.

    Assuming there is a property named - hostCompany which is a part of the objects inside of the company array, you can pass that variable inside of the data object wrapper like so -

    <div data-bind="template: { name: 'comp-template', foreach: company, data: { hostCompany: hostCompany } }">

    Or else like so -

    <div data-bind="template: { name: 'comp-template', foreach: company, data: { hostCompany: true } }">


    Assuming that you have an object host (on the root level) having a boolean property named company, the value of which you want to pass to the template, you can do so like below -

    <div data-bind="template: { name: 'comp-template', foreach: company, data: { hostCompany: } }">

    You can access this parameter inside your template as -

    <!--ko if: hostCompany -->
        <span>Host company is true</span>