I started a process in background in Windows apache server.
index.php following this:
$cmd = "C:/xampp/php/php.exe -f test.php";
pclose(popen("start /B ". $cmd, "r"));
echo "OK";
test.php following this:
file_put_contents("1.txt", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
At that time, I want to get pid which php -f test.php
When I start index.php, I can see new php.exe
process in output of tasklist
command line.
How can I get pid for this background process.
This will output the ProcessID
after the task has been executed using wmic
. You could then store this in a session or cookie to pass between pages.
$cmd = 'wmic process call create "C:/xampp/php/php.exe -f /path/to/htdocs/test.php" | find "ProcessId"';
$handle = popen("start /B ". $cmd, "r");
$read = fread($handle, 200); //Read the output
echo $read; //Store the info
pclose($handle); //Close
ProcessId = 1000