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Gulp Concat and Uglify in Folder

I have this Folder Structure in my Project:

|- /src
   |-- components
      |-- folder1
         |-- subfolder1
           |-- file1.js
           |-- file2.js
           |-- file3.js
      |-- folder2
         |-- subfolder2
           |-- file1.js
           |-- file2.js
           |-- file3.js

What I want to achieve here is to uglify these js file and get this structure:

|- /dist
   |-- components
      |-- folder1
         |-- subfolder1
           |-- subfolder1.js (minified)
      |-- folder2
         |-- subfolder2
           |-- subfolder2.js (minified)

I tried this gulp recepie which is for Generating a file per folder but what I get is:

|- /dist
   |-- components
       |-- folder1.js (minified)
       |-- folder2.js (minified)


  • I managed to solve the issue by using some node code here. What I do is I list all subfolders in a folder, then I use this list to concatenate all js files in them and finally produce the files in folders with the same path.

    var gulp = require('gulp'),
        fs = require('fs'),
        path = require('path'),
        concat = require('gulp-concat'),
        normalize = require('normalize-path'),
        gif = require('gulp-if'),
        minify = require('gulp-minify'),
        header = require('gulp-header'),
        sourcemap = require('gulp-sourcemaps'),
        paths = require('../../configs/paths.js'),
        env = require('../../configs/env.js'),
        headerConfig = require('../../configs/header.js');
    var list = [];
    function getFolders(dir) {
            .filter(function(file) {
                if (fs.statSync(path.join(dir, file)).isDirectory()) {
                    getFolders(path.join(dir, file));
                        fullPath: normalize(path.join(dir, file)).replace('src/', '/'),
                        parentFolderName: path.join(dir, file).split(path.sep).slice(-1)[0]
        return list;
    gulp.task('js.components', function() {
        return getFolders(paths.src + '/components/').map(function(subfolder) {
            return gulp.src(paths.src + subfolder.fullPath + '/*.js')
                .pipe(concat(subfolder.parentFolderName + '.js'))
                        preserveComments: 'some',
                        noSource: true,
                        ext: {
                            min: '.js'
                        mangle: true,
                        ignoreFiles: ['.min.js']
                .pipe(header(headerConfig.banner, {
                    pkg: headerConfig.pkg
                .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.public + subfolder.fullPath));

    Here's the Function that does this:

    var list = [];
    function getFolders(dir) {
            .filter(function(file) {
                if (fs.statSync(path.join(dir, file)).isDirectory()) {
                    getFolders(path.join(dir, file));
                        fullPath: normalize(path.join(dir, file)).replace('src/', '/'),
                        parentFolderName: path.join(dir, file).split(path.sep).slice(-1)[0]
        return list;

    Make sure you load fs, path and normalize-path modules.