I'm using this simple virtual joystick module, I'm trying to get my player to rotate in 360-degrees direction according to the joystick's angle, but it's not working right.
Here is the most relevant code from the module:
local radToDeg = 180/math.pi
local degToRad = math.pi/180
-- where should joystick motion be stopped?
local stopRadius = outerRadius - innerRadius
local directionId = 0
local angle = 0
local distance = 0
function joystick:touch(event)
local phase = event.phase
if( (phase=='began') or (phase=="moved") ) then
if( phase == 'began' ) then
stage:setFocus(event.target, event.id)
local parent = self.parent
local posX, posY = parent:contentToLocal(event.x, event.y)
angle = (math.atan2( posX, posY )*radToDeg)-90
if( angle < 0 ) then
angle = 360 + angle
-- could expand to include more directions (e.g. 45-deg)
if( (angle>=45) and (angle<135) ) then
directionId = 2
elseif( (angle>=135) and (angle<225) ) then
directionId = 3
elseif( (angle>=225) and (angle<315) ) then
directionId = 4
directionId = 1
distance = math.sqrt((posX*posX)+(posY*posY))
if( distance >= stopRadius ) then
distance = stopRadius
local radAngle = angle*degToRad
self.x = distance*math.cos(radAngle)
self.y = -distance*math.sin(radAngle)
self.x = posX
self.y = posY
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
stage:setFocus(nil, event.id)
directionId = 0
angle = 0
distance = 0
return true
function joyGroup:getAngle()
return angle
Here is how I try to move my player after setting up the joystick:
local angle = joyStick.getAngle()
player.rotation = angle
and player.rotation
have the exact same values, but the player rotates in a different direction than the joystick because the joystick's default 0 rotation is towards the right direction (East) and it goes counter-clockwise.
Try player.rotation = -angle
. The player
and joystick
should rotate in the same direction.
With simpleJoystick module you get (in degree)
NORTH - 90
WEST - 180
EAST - 0/360
SOUTH - 270
If you want get
WEST - 90
EAST - 270
SOUTH - 180
modify code in simpleJoystick module like this
angle = (math.atan2( posX, posY )*radToDeg)-180
self.x = distance*math.cos(radAngle + 90*degToRad)
self.y = -distance*math.sin(radAngle + 90*degToRad)