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Can not save InkCanvas Content in UWP App into a SQLite Datebase when Release Mode turned on

I have a problem with the saving of the content of an InkCanvas in a UWP App. In Debug Mode it all works perfectly. In Release Mode, I cannot save it.

The blob in the sqlite DB is empty all the time (in Release Mode).

Here is my Code:

static public byte[] GetByteArray(InkCanvas CardInkCanvas) {
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

    // Write the ink strokes to the output stream.
    using(IOutputStream outputStream = ms.AsOutputStream()) {

    return ms.ToArray();

Maybe a UWP pro can help me :)

Thanks Agredo


  • I have a problem with the saving of the content of an InkCanvas in a UWP App. In Debug Mode it all works perfectly. In Release Mode, I cannot save it.

    Release Compiling use .Net Native by default. So there are some different behaviors compared with debug mode.

    In this case,CardInkCanvas.InkPresenter.StrokeContainer.SaveAsync and outputStream.FlushAsync are async functions, you need to add await before them. So your codes should look like this:

    static public async Task<byte[]> GetByteArray(InkCanvas CardInkCanvas) {
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        // Write the ink strokes to the output stream.
        using(IOutputStream outputStream = ms.AsOutputStream()) {
            //Add await before async functions so that the async functions get executed before return.
            await CardInkCanvas.InkPresenter.StrokeContainer.SaveAsync(ms.AsOutputStream());
            await outputStream.FlushAsync();
        return ms.ToArray();