I upgraded OpsCenter from 6.0.3 to 6.0.5. Is there a way to migrate the LCM data? Is it as simple as copying the file lcm.db? Thanks.
OpsCenter developer here. 6.0.3 to 6.0.5 is a safe upgrade to do "in-place". So if it's a package you can just 'yum upgrade' or 'apt-get upgrade'.
If you do want to backup/restore your settings for whatever reason, the best docs to look at are our high-availability docs (HA failover is basically a backup/restore): https://docs.datastax.com/en/opscenter/6.0/opsc/configure/enableFailover.html. The upgrade docs may also be useful https://docs.datastax.com/en/upgrade/doc/upgrade/opscenter/upgdOpsc.html.
The TLDR for LCM (off the top of my head) is: