A ScalaTest suite is using
What is the sbt command line to achieve this setting?
I have tried
SBT_OPTS="-Dmy.command-line.property=foo" sbt "test-only <path to test suite"
JAVA_OPTS="-J-Dmy.command-line.property=foo" sbt "test-only <path to test suite"
sbt/sbt '; set javaOptions in Test +="-Dtest.num.points=500000"; \
project mllib; test-only org.apache.spark.mllib.optimization.LBFGSSuite'
When using any of those attempts the System.getProperty comes up blank.
An approach that does work is running the ScalaTest from within Intellij and setting the JVM parameters to -Dmy.command-line.property=foo within the Run Configuration.
Your third way almost works (if fork in Test := true
is set). But you have to change into the project first:
sbt/sbt '; project mllib; set javaOptions in Test +="-Dtest.num.points=500000"; \
test-only org.apache.spark.mllib.optimization.LBFGSSuite'