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Get results from relationships properties without square brackets?

In Cypher Neo4j Graph Database, I want to get the results of query in strings without square brackets. Every time I retrieve information from nodes properties, I get the results in strings as expected but when I retrieve information from relationships, It displayed inside square brackets.

MATCH (m:Movie {title:"The Matrix"})<-[r:ACTED_IN]-() return r.roles;


[Agent Smith]


  • The reason you get the square brackets is that the roles property of the ACTED_IN relationships is a list.

    You can use UNWIND to expand a list (including lists of one-element) to rows:

    MATCH (m:Movie {title:"The Matrix"})<-[r:ACTED_IN]-()
    UNWIND r.roles AS roles
    RETURN roles

    If I run it on the Matrix dataset provided in this tutorial, I get:

    │roles      │
    │Agent Smith│
    │Emil       │
    │Trinity    │
    │Morpheus   │
    │Neo        │