What's the best way to give copyright to a company for an R package? Hadley points to some options, but I'm still uncertain of the best practice. In the DESCRIPTION, I would prefer to write something like
Authors@R: c(
person(given = c("First", "Middle"), family = "Family", email = "me@company.com", role = c("aut, cre")),
person(given = "Company", role = "cph"))
but this is awkward because corporations are not people. Another option:
Authors@R: person(given = c("First", "Middle"), family = "Family", email = "me@company.com", role = c("aut, cre"))
License: GPL (>=3) + file LICENSE
Copyright <My Company>. All rights reserved.
But can I really do that with GPL?
Copyright and License are two different and separate concepts. The DESCRIPTION file allows for both, and the official manual has things to say about both.
Many existing CRAN packages deal with that. For the use of assigned copyright, packages by RStudio employees can sometimes serve as examples. See for example this line from dplyr.
Legal stuff is hard. And boring. Don't take StackOverflow answers as binding either.