This is not simply removing elements from a list; its removing but by using field value
philani = Student(20, "Philani Sithole", "Male", [64,65])
sarah = Student(19, "Sarah Jones", "Female", [82,58])
fabian = Student(50, "Fabian Hamza", "Male", [50,52])
students = [philani, sarah, fabian]
How can I remove the object fabian from students list given the name "Fabian Hamza"
Desired results:
students = [philani, sarah]
It tried this
name = "Fabian Hamza"
for i in xrange(len(students)):
if hasattr(students[i], name):
But its not working
You can use a list comprehension to achieve that:
[s for s in students if != 'Fabian Hamza']
If you want just the list of names, try:
[ for s in students if != 'Fabian Hamza']