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Calling a (Ratchet) WampServer method through a React Timer

I am setting up a WampServer with Ratchet. Is it possible to add to the loop a timer that calls a WampServer's method every 30 second?

I have tried the following code:

public function addMonitoringTimer(){

    $this->loop->addPeriodicTimer(30, function() {


but no timers seems to work.

Note: As this code is a class method, $this is a reference to the class object that has references to the WampServer ($this->wampserver) and the loop used by the WampServer ($this->loop). The method I am calling is not part of the WampServerInterface.


  • Let's say Pusher is the clas that implements the WampServerInterface. We define a custom (not part of the interface) method onMessageToPush() in Pusher.

    class Pusher implements WampServerInterface {
        public function onMessageToPush(){

    Now, create a React loop:

    $loop  = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();

    , we setup a websocket server object:

    $webSock = new \React\Socket\Server($loop);
    $webSock->listen($bindPort, $bindIp);

    , we create the WampServer object:

    $pusher = new Pusher();
    $wampServer = new \Ratchet\Wamp\WampServer(

    we setup an I/O server using the above wamp server, web socket and loop:

    $ioserver = new \Ratchet\Server\IoServer(
          new \Ratchet\Http\HttpServer(
            new \Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer(

    and now we can define a timer that will call our custom method:

    $loop->addPeriodicTimer(30, function() use ($pusher) {
            $message = "my message";

    For everyone that may be interested in this, I have built an example that illustrates how to implement some functionality with Ratchet, including the above functionality You can find it here:

    Example of using Ratchet