Search code examples

Improve performance of matrices/table aggregation and search

There is a product-feature matrix. It has thousands rows (products) and hundreds features. It has binary values that show if the product has this feature or not. So it could be a table of 40 000 rows and 900 columns.

Product-feature matrix
pr f1 f2 f3 fn ...
01 0 1 1 1
02 0 0 0 0
03 1 0 1 0
04 1 0 1 0

First, I have to find products that have a given set of features Q. E.g. Q=(f1=1, f5=1, f27=1). Simple said, find blue cars, hatchback, 3-doors.

Result 1
Given Q=(f1=1, f5=1, f27=1)
Relevant products: 03, 04, 08...

Second, and most important, I have to find how many products that have a set of features Q, also have a feature f_i (where i - 1..n). In other words, we are selecting rows that satisfy Q, and count how many 1 in each column (make SUM aggregation). E.g. how many blue cars, hatchback, 3-doors also has: diesel engine, gasoline engine, xenon lights.

Result 2
Given Q=(f1=1, f5=1, f27=1)
sum f2 = 943
sum f3 = 543
sum f4 = 7
sum f6 = 432

Of course it is possible to solve this task using an RDBMS but it's not so effective - in general case it will require a fullscan both for finding products and aggregation in each columns. At least I don't know how to build an effective b-tree index for this task. Oracle bitmap index could help, but I can't use Oracle.

Currently, we are using MySQL for this task, but it's not showing good results. Actually we are using integer representation (we grouped features and store integers in columns, not bool values) to reduce the amount of columns.

It's possible to treat this matrix as a sparse binary matrix. And it's not a big problem to store it completely in memory. And I'm wondering if it's possible to apply some algorithms to work with sparse matrices, vector space (SVD, matrix-vector multiplications and so on). But it probably helps in finding products that satisfy vector Q, not in aggregation. The problem lies more in time of aggregation, not in space.

Probably, it's possible to store matrix as a multi-linked list that would help to find products and make aggregation for each column.

Finally, the question is how to treat this task. What is the most effective algorithm to find products with given features and then count the products with additional features (aggregate by each column).


  • You could arrange your data by column. i.e. have one BitSet for column listing the cars/rows which have that feature.

    This allows you to take advantage of the fast and/or operations provided by BitSet.

    Using these features you should be able to achieve less than 2 micro-seconds for the search and the count of each feature.

    For a 40,000 * 900 dataset, the following prints

    average search time 1396 ns.
    average count time 1234 ns.

    This should a few orders of magnitude faster than you can get with a RDBMS database. Even one million rows, take less than 50 micro-seconds each.

    public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
        final int rows = 40 * 1000;
        final int cols = 900;
        List<BitSet> features = new ArrayList<BitSet>();
        features.add(new BitSet(rows));
        features.add(new BitSet(rows));
        for (int i = 2; i < cols; i++) {
            final BitSet bs = new BitSet(rows);
            for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                bs.set(j, j % i == 0);
        // perform the search
        int[] factors = new int[]{2, 5, 7};
        BitSet matches = new BitSet();
        long runs =  1000*1000;
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
                // perform lookup.
                lookup(matches, features, factors);
            long avgTime = (System.nanoTime() - start) / runs;
            System.out.println("average search time " + avgTime  + " ns.");
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            int count9 = 0;
            BitSet col9matched = new BitSet(cols);
            for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
                final int index = 9;
                final BitSet feature = features.get(index);
                count9 = countMatches(col9matched, matches, feature);
            long avgTime = (System.nanoTime() - start) / runs;
            System.out.println("average count time " + avgTime + " ns.");
    private static int countMatches(BitSet scratch, BitSet matches, BitSet feature) {
        // recycle.
        return scratch.cardinality();
    private static void lookup(BitSet matches, List<BitSet> data, int[] factors) {
        for (int i = 1, factorsLength = factors.length; i < factorsLength; i++) {