I am using PECL extension trader
It works inside the ./src/MyBundle/Command/MyCommand.php without any installtion or include.
function calcByCode()
\trader_ma($array, 5, TRADER_MA_TYPE_EMA);
however inside the Controller
public function indexAction()
\trader_ma($array, 5, TRADER_MA_TYPE_EMA);
//(or trader_ma($array, 5, TRADER_MA_TYPE_EMA);)
return $this->render('AcmeTopBundle:Default:index.html.twig');
returns error like this
Fatal error: Call to undefined function TopBundle\MyController\trader_ma()
How can I use PECL extension inside the condroller of Symfony2 framework??
It's mostly a case of the extension not being installed correctly. To know if the extension if installed correctly or not, make use of phpinfo for both cli and web ( cgi / fpm ).
There is a chance that the extension is enabled only in the php.ini for PHP CLI and not for fpm / cgi ( web server ) . So make sure you enable the trader module in the appropriate php.ini file .