I've just installed Lektor desktop app for OS X on two computers, and when I select "Install Shell Command", it prompts for admin credentials (my default user account is not admin in either case) and after I've entered the admin details it then responds with:
Failed to install shell commands
A search for 'lektor' in the console revealed no log entries.
Both machines have XCode 8.0 installed (don't know if this makes a difference).
(FYI, but not part of this question, subsequent attempts to install the Command Line App via the bash script succeeded on one and failed on the other computer.)
didn't work for me either. So I looked at the shell script for command line installation and saw that it is basically only a wrapper around a python script.
I copy/pasted the python code from the shell script into a file and then ran it on the command line. Installation worked fine then.
Steps I've taken:
curl -sf https://www.getlektor.com/install.sh > getlektor.txt
in an editor and copy the python code into a new which named "install_lektor.py". The python code starts with the line
"import os
" and ends with the line "main()
"python install_lektor.py
"Hope this helps!