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Properties Format on Geojson to MongoDB/Mongoengine

I would like to find a solution on what DataField I should give to a geojson with a properties column. Currently a geojson format below would not have any issues since it it would only need the StringField() and PointField().

A geojson format looks like this:

name : "Timmy's Taco Truck",
  loc : {
    type : "Point",
    coordinates : [ 37.7577 , -122.4376 ]

However for a geojson with this format:

   "type" : "Feature",
   "id" : "ID80001",
   "geometry":{"type": "LineString", "coordinates":[[122.332,14.241],[125.332,13.532]]},
   "properties":{ "name":"Dummy Name", "color":"#000000" }

Using a model like the one below:

from mongoengine import *
from colorful.fields import RGBColorField

class Geometry(Document):
   type = StringField()
   id = StringField()
   geometry = LineStringField()
   name = StringField() color= RGBColorField() ***OR*** properties = ???

If I use EmbeddedDocumentField and create a separate properties field it would result to "properties": [{"name": "Dummy Name","color": "#000000"}]


"properties": {"name": "Dummy Name","color": "#000000"}

How can I preserve the geojson format in the models?


  • Try DictField or DynamicDocument.

    from mongoengine import *
    class Geometry(Document):
       type = StringField()
       id = StringField()
       geometry = LineStringField()
       properties = DictField()
    g = Geometry()
    # Assuming id is unique['id'] = {"name": "Dummy Name","color": "#000000"}
        "_id": <some_id>
        "properties": {
            "<some_id>": {
                {"name": "Dummy Name","color": "#000000"}

    or, just access it using index 0 of EmbeddedDocumentField?

    {"name": "Dummy Name","color": "#000000"}