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Output manipulation for nslookup

I've got a small nslookup .cmd, that gives me more output than needed. I already know the names of the machines I'm looking for, as well as the DNS name, the only Information I need is the machines address.

@echo off

set variable=1

nslookup ***-%variable%.****** >> test.txt
set /a variable=variable+1

timeout /t 3

if %variable% LSS *** goto start


This is what I get in my .txt file if the nslookup did find a machine:

Server: **********

Address: ...

Name: ****.****.****

Address: ...

But if it didnt find a machine i still get:

Server: **********

Address: ...

Could the output be manipulated that way, that it only writes to the .txt when it actually finds a machine and only takes the address part?


  • if you don't mind executing nslookup twice per server (one time to check, if server exists, second to get the output):

    nslookup ***-%variable%.****** 2>nul|findstr /b "Name:">nul && nslookup ***-%variable%.****** >> test.txt