x = open("C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\original.txt", 'r')
mylist = x.read()
length = len(mylist)
for y in range(length):
for q in range(length-1):
if mylist[q] > mylist[q+1]:
mylist[q], mylist[q+1] = mylist[q+1], mylist[q]
print (mylist)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#12>", line 4, in <module>
mylist[q], mylist[q+1] = mylist[q+1], mylist[q]
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
Can someone explain this error please, thanks.
What you're trying to do is equivalent to:
string = "Some string"
string[0], string[1], = string[1], string[0]
i.e. You're trying to modify the character inside the string.
What you want to do is either
a) Split the contents into a list of words using mylist.split()
b) Use x.readlines()
to read the file a list of lines, and sort those.
c) Split the entire file into a list of characters with [x for x in mylist]
and sort the characters,
Then use ''.join(list_of_whatever)
to turn the list back into a string.