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How to configure Gollum-wiki to allow basic authentication and to use the username for the git commit

I'm trying to configure basic http authentication for gollum, but I want the logged in username to be used for the git commit.

I've modified so that basic authentication works, now I just need to figure out how I can achieve the equivalent of this:

session[''] => "%s" % loggedIn

Then I can remove the "John Smith" string.

BTW - Forgive the daft question, I've never touched Ruby before and its late.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# - example custom rack for the Gollum wiki engine
# - file should be placed in wiki root
# - RACK_APP environment variable should be set to the filename
# - script will run this app using:
#   $ rackup $RACK_APP -p 4567
require 'rubygems'
require 'gollum/app'

gollum_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
wiki_options = {
    :live_preview => false,
    :allow_editing => true,
    :allow_uploads => true,
    :universal_toc => false,

users = {'user' => 'password'}
loggedIn = "anonymous"

use Rack::Auth::Basic, 'realm' do |username, password|
    users.key?(username) && users[username] == password
    loggedIn = username

Precious::App.set(:gollum_path, gollum_path)
Precious::App.set(:default_markup, :markdown)
Precious::App.set(:wiki_options, wiki_options)
run Precious::App

#set author
class Precious::App
    before do
        session[''] = {
            :name => "%s" % "john smith",   # => "%s" % loggedIn
            :email => "[email protected]",

So I can see that session only exists inside the Precious Class namespace, so I can't set it directly from my authentication method:

use Rack::Auth::Basic, 'realm' do |username, password|
    users.key?(username) && users[username] == password
    session[''] = {
        :name => "%s" % "john smith",   # => "%s" % username
        :email => "[email protected]",

I also tried:

use Rack::Auth::Basic, 'realm' do |username, password|
    users.key?(username) && users[username] == password
    loggedIn = {
        :name => "%s" % username,
        :email => "[email protected]",

Precious::App.set(:session[''], loggedIn)


  • Here is a solution, it allows you to define a series of users, enables basic http authentication and uses the logged in username for the fit commits.

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'gollum/app'
    gollum_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
    wiki_options = {
        :live_preview => false,
        :allow_editing => true,
        :allow_uploads => true,
        :universal_toc => false,
    users = {'user' => 'password',
             'user2' => 'password2'}
    use Rack::Auth::Basic, 'realm' do |username, password|
        if users.key?(username) && users[username] == password
            Precious::App.set(:loggedInUser, username)
    Precious::App.set(:gollum_path, gollum_path)
    Precious::App.set(:default_markup, :markdown)
    Precious::App.set(:wiki_options, wiki_options)
    run Precious::App
    #set author
    class Precious::App
        before do
            session[''] = {
                :name => "%s" % settings.loggedInUser,
                :email => "%[email protected]" % settings.loggedInUser,