I have studied numerous questions and answers here and from what I can see my code is correct. For some reason though, the mail I have selected is not being deleted.
My code is:
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap-mail.outlook.com")
resp, data = m.uid("search", None, "ALL")
uid = data[0].split()[-1]
#Can also get message content with lines
# resp,data = m.uid('fetch',uid,"(BODY[HEADER])")
# print(data)
m.store(uid, "+FLAGS", "\\Deleted") #Works fine to here
m.expunge() #This doesn't delete message
If I change the m.expunge()
line to print(m.expunge())
I get the tuple
('OK', [None])
The message is still in the mailbox even with the "OK" response. I'm unsure why this happens
You are using UIDs to identify the messages, so you also need to use UID commands to change the \Deleted flag:
m.uid('STORE' uid, "+FLAGS", "\\Deleted")
You are currently trying to set the deleted flag on Message Sequence Number with the same UID, which probably doesn't exist, or refers to a completely different message.